
Click on the links below to view the Sakonnet Preservation Newsletters.

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SUMMER 2024 Click here to download

  • Exploring Little Compton on Foot
  • The mighty impact of small parcels
  • Annual Meeting in July
  • A wish to protect
  • Boundaries of Rock

FALL 2023 Click here to download

  • Our generous wetlands
  • Re-seeding Rhode Island
  • Land Trusts and gardening
  • Stewarding your land as habitat
  • Land Trust Alliance Rally 2023
  • Jumping Worms
  • SPA – An intern’s dream posting

SUMMER 2023 Click here to download

  • A Family Story of Conservation
  • President’s Letter – Student Programs Resume with Wilbur & McMahon Schools
  • The Ponderosa’s Management

FALL 2022 Click here to download

  • Islands of Life – Importance for Migratory Bird Nesting
  • President’s Letter – ‘Celebrating our fiftieth’
  • Accredited Again

SPRING 2022 Click here to download

  • Leadership in Stewardship
  • President’s Letter – “The wonders of cross pollination”
  • Celebrating 50 years of conservation in Little Compton
  • Moving across town

WINTER 2021 Click here to download

  • Meehan Triangle Project
  • President’s Letter – “Protecting East & West Islands”
  • Helping Birds this Winter & Beyond
  • Book: ‘Pastoral Song: A Farmers Journey’
  • 50th Anniversary Campaign 

SPRING 2021 Click here to download

  • The 50th Anniversary Campaign for Sakonnet Preservation
  • President’s Letter – “what you notice becomes your life.”
  • Annual Meeting speaker will be noted author, journalist
  • Why do we monitor each of our properties?

WINTER 2020 Click here to download

  • Conservation Champion – Debbie Wiley
  • President’s Letter – Making Dreams Come True
  • Save the Date for Our Annual Meeting – July 7th with David Vallee
  • Managing Forests: Taking the Long View

FALL 2019 Click here to download

  • 2019 Annual Meeting
  • President’s Letter
  • New Member Spotlight
  • We Get By With a Lot of Help From Our Friends
  • New Property=New Management Plan
  • Monitoring Our Coastal Ponds
  • Got Ticks?

WINTER 2019 Click here to download

  • Loving the Nature of Little Compton
  • Be Like Beethoven
  • Stewardship Report
  • My First Day on the Job
  • 2018 Member Appreciation
  • 2019 Winter Film Series

FALL 2018 Click here to download

  • A Conversation with Ralph Guild
  • Learning with Sakonnet Preservation
  • Pigscaping!
  • Stewardship Report
  • Monitoring the Unexpected
  • Forever Little Compton
  • Welcome New Board Members

WINTER 2018 Click here to download

  • Call It By Its Name – Reflections on Landmarks by Robert Macfarlane
  • President’s Letter – Acquiring New Properties is a Treasure Hunt
  • Kudos to Able Engineering
  • A Note About Our Quaking Bog Acquisition
  • SPA 2018 Movie Presentations

FALL 2017 Click here to download

  • Why ‘Saving Acres’ Isn’t Enough…
  • President’s Letter – Some Thoughts on “Forest Bathing”
  • Welcome New Board Members
  • SPA New Stewardship Director – Mary-Kate Kane
  • Count ‘Em – Five!
  • Wilbur School 5th Grade Field Trip
  • SPA 2017/2018 Movie Presentations

WINTER 2017 Click here to download

  • President’s Letter – Land Conservation Rooted in Our Community
  • Remembering Bob Wolter
  • 2016 Annual Meeting with Speaker Alan Poole
  • Welcome Michal & John!
  • 2017 Annual Meeting – Turning Blue:  My Path on the Appalachian Trail & Beyond

SUMMER 2016 Click here to download

  • 2016 Annual Meeting:  The Restoration of Osprey in Southern NE & Elsewhere – Alan F. Poole
  • “Change: Can’t Live With It, Can’t Live Without It”
  • Remembering Ellie Hough
  • Fireflies
  • Reflections on A Great Love – Steve Lorch Memorial
  • In Memoriam

WINTER 2016 Click here to download

  • 2015 Acquisitions Protect Wetland Properties
  • My “Why” and “Thank You” to SPA
  • Introducing Our Newest Staff Member
  • Thank You to Our 2015 Member Supporters
  • 2015 BioBlitz Results
  • Higgins Family Foundation Grant
  • Congress Makes Enhanced Tax Incentive Permanent
  • Learning to Be a Patient Observer – Return of the Osprey Book Review

SUMMER 2015 Click here to download

  • 2015 Annual Meeting:  Committed to Conservation Here & Beyond – Chris Miller
  • Healing Our Land
  • Thank you, Geoff Dennis
  • LC Nature Day & Bioblitz Coming to Town
  • What Can I do?

WINTER 2015 Click here to download

  • Many Conserved and Town Properties in LC with Public Access
  • Bioblitz Coming to Town in June
  • Bobolink Expert Noah Perlut to Speak at Community Center

SUMMER 2014 Click here to download

  • 2014 Annual Meeting:  Coming Back to Local – John Gwynne
  • Bringing Conservation-minded Stewardship Home
  • Fall Tour of Simmons Mill Pond Area
  • National LTA Rally in Providence
  • Roadside Litter Exceeds Usual Volume
  • Kate Johnson Employs Latest Technology to Reveal Historic Local Land Use

WINTER 2014 Click here to download the pdf

  • Faria Family Continues to Farm on SPA’s Latest Acquisition
  • Recycling:  Beyond the Bin
  • Eyes on the Ground:  A Visit to the Reis, Amarantes & Lloyd Property
  • Where have all the Monarchs Gone?
  • 2013 SPA Annual Meeting Topic Gets Attention

SUMMER 2013 Click here to download the pdf

  • 2013 Annual Meeting: Sea Level Rise Impacts on Coastal RI
  • Carter Stewardship Campaign a Success
  • Stewardship Support for Each Acquisition
  • Thank You to Our 2012 Volunteer Stewardship Monitors
  • SPA to Benefit from Garden Tour on June 12
  • Nature Walk: Migrating Monarchs at P.T. Marvell Preserve
  • Merlin Project Sponsored by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology

WINTER 2013 Click here to download the pdf

  • Volunteer Spotlight: Geoff Dennis Gifts His Time and Talent
  • Good Things Come in Threes
  • John V. Kean’s Name Added to Administration Reserve Fund
  • SPA Memorial Donations
  • Enhanced Easement Incentive Renewed Through 2013

SUMMER 2012 Click here to download the pdf

  • Forty Years and Going Strong
  • If Migratory Birds Could Tell Stories of Their Journeys to Us – Miyoko Chu
  • A Celebration of our Landscapes
  • Trees in Trouble – Can Invasive Lichen Damage Our Forests?
  • Celebrating Songbird Journeys – The Mysteries of Migration

SPRING 2012 Click here to download the pdf

  • President’s Letter
  • Preserving The Night Sky, Keeping Town’s Rural Character
  • Heather Steers Honored with Peter Merritt Award
  • Jackson & Sarah Robinson Donate Conservation Easement
  • A Place in the Family of Things

WINTER 2011 Click here to download the pdf

  • SPA is accredited by the national Land Trust Accreditation Commission – President’s Letter
  • The Ponderosa – a Community Asset Supported by Volunteers
  • Sakonnet Point Perspectives – A Unique Collaboration
  • Congress Renews Tax Incentive to Help Conserve Your Land
  • Book Review:  Holdfast – At Home in the Natural World by Kathleen Dean Moore
  • Dundery Brook Greenway Trail:  Your Support is Needed

SUMMER 2011 Click here to download the pdf

  • Author Janet Taylor Lisle to Speak at SPA’s Annual Meeting
  • Little Compton Population Explodes in The Spring
  • Sakonnet Preservation Association’s Amendments to Bylaws
  • Reflection of a New Monitor on Preserving Open Space
  • Kids Only Trout Fishing Opening Day

WINTER 2010 Click here to download the pdf

  • Preserving Cutts Family Meadow
  • Alaska Childhood Leads to Passion to Preserve Nature
  • Twelve Moons of the Year
  • Conserving Easements – A Way of Preserving Family Lands
  • Elinor Truesdale Marvell Donation Honors SPA

SUMMER 2010 Click here to download the pdf

  • How Land Conservation Supports Historic Preservation – Mack Woodward
  • Book Review:  Following The Water by Dominique Browning
  • The Fisherman

WINTER 2009 Click here to download the pdf

  • Sakonnet Preservation Association Reaches 400 Acre Mark
  • SPA Volunteers Clean Up East and West Islands
  • Highlights of 2008 Annual Meeting
  • SPA and LCACT Partner to Acquire Historic Adamsville Property
  • Salmon in the Classroom Program
  • Bobolinks and Stewardship:  What’s the Link?
  • Patricia “Patty” Goodrich Donation Honors SPA
  • Pauline “Polly” Farrell Donation Honors SPA

SUMMER 2009 Click here to download the pdf

  • Lincoln Chafee to Speak at Annual 2009 SPA Meeting
  • Congratulations to  Wilbur and McMahon School for Recycling Project
  • West Island Memories

WINTER 2008 Click here to download the pdf

  • SPA Attends the Land Trust Alliance Rally 2007 in Colorado
  • SPA Annual Meeting 2007 – Speaker Keith Lang
  • Monitoring Workshop
  • Public Information Event – Ames Colt
  • Cooking for Conservation
  • Salmon in the Classroom
  • Bill Buffum Donation Honors SPA
  • Dudley Millikin, Jr., Donation Honors SPA

SUMMER 2008 Click here to download the pdf

  • SPA Annual Meeting Celebrates Conservation Successes of 2007 – Carol Trocki
  • Dr. Ames Colt Speaks at the SPA Public Information Meeting
  • 2007 – A Year’s Worth of Accomplishments for the SPA
  • Classroom at the Ponderosa
  • Salmon in the Classroom Teaches Much More

WINTER 2007 Click here to download the pdf

  • National Land Conservation Conference Rally 2006
  • Public Information Event – Attorney Stephen J. Small
  • The Importance of Land Stewardship
  • Sakonnet “Memory Holes:”  Traveling in Time across the Little Compton Landscape
  • 2006 SPA Annual Meeting:  A Year of Accomplishment, to the Tune of Bird Song
  • Education Initiatives
  • New Land Donation – Sheldon Property
  • New Tax Incentives for Land Conservation

SUMMER 2007 Click here to download the pdf

  • SPA Annual Meeting 2007 – Keith H. Lang
  • Land Protection is For Everybody
  • SPA Public Information Event with Attorney Stephen Small
  • Historic Meadow Protected – Damaris Atwater Property
  • Meeting the Challenge of “Perpetuity:”  How Does SPA Ensure the Long-Term Protection of Conservation Easements?
  • Larry Anderson Receives The Peter Merrit Conservation Achievement Award
  • Ponderosa Pond Quest
  • Spreading the Word of Land Protection
  • Students Learn About Life in the Wetlands at RI Audubon Center
  • We Need You!  Now is the Time to Join the Sakonnet Preservation Association…or to Renew Your Membership

SUMMER 2006 Click here to download the pdf

  • Annual Meeting is for the Birds
  • Why Wetlands?
  • Leaving Only Her Footprints
  • President’s Letter
  • The Opportunities of Flexible Zoning
  • Book Review:  The Shape of Betts Meadow
  • Earth Day Celebration at teh Wilbur McMahon School
  • Letter from the Executive Director

WINTER 2006 Click here to download pdf

  • A Record Number of CE Protect Over 19 Acres of Fields, Shoreline, Wetlands & Habitat
  • SPA “Makes the Leap” to Paid Staff
  • President’s Letter
  • Fall Clean Up at the Ponderosa
  • Book Review:  Forest Explorer
  • Larry’s Legacy
  • Little Compton Land Trusts Join in Town Mailing

SUMMER 2005 Click here to download pdf

  • President’s Letter
  • Aquidneck Land Trust Director Presents a Plan for Strategic Land Conservation
  • SPA Board Adopts Five-Year Strategic Plan
  • Little Compton:  Photographs of Then & Now
  • SPA to Host Annual Meeting: Speaker Lawrence Taft

WINTER 2005 Click here to download pdf

  • Conservation Easement Protects 20 Acres between Round & Long Pond
  • Cooperative Effort Will Expand Preserved Shoreline
  • First Little Compton Land Rally Honor “Conservation Heroes”
  • Cycling Sakonnet:  National Conservationists Come to Little Compton
  • Voters Support $70 Million State Conservation Bond
  • Well Water Workshop
  • SPA Annual Meeting:  Doing the Business of Land Conservation
  • SPA Receives Funds from Commons Cottage Gallery Opening

SUMMER 2004 Click here to download pdf

  • Strength in Numbers, Promoting Conservation Through Regional Cooperation
  • July 8th Annual Meeting Will Feature Talk by Regional Conservation Leader – Whitney Hatch
  • Voters Approve Increases In Agricultural Conservancy Trust Tax, Exemption
  • Little Compton Land Rally

WINTER 2004 Click here to download pdf

  • SPA’s Most Important Resource
  • RI Land Trust Council Hires Director and Expands Efforts
  • Conservation Donations Protect 5.5 Acres of  Shoreline and Fields
  • Sakonnet Thickets:  A Destination for Flight-Weary Songbirds
  • Developing a Strategic Plan:  SPA Looks to the Future

SUMMER 2003 Click here to download pdf

  • Greenspace Planning Will Be Featured at July 17th Annual Meeting with Scott Millar
  • A Meadow Near Your Home
  • The Watson Reservoir Watershed Project
  • Karen Richmond Honored as SPA Volunteer
  • Eco-Depot

WINTER 2003 Click here to download pdf

  • Survey Shows Continuing Town Support for Land Conservation
  • Eddy Conservation Donation Expands Open Space Network
  • Sakonnet Artists Raise Over $5,000 for the SPA
  • SPA Expands Property Documentation and Stewardship Program
  • SPA Receives Grant for Watson Reservoir Study
  • Ponderosa Days, Cold Nights
  • Land Trust Alliance Conference Offers Training & Inspiration

SUMMER 2002 Click here to download pdf

  • Looking to the Future:  The Work of Conservation
  • The Challenge of Stewardship:  Monitoring SPA Conservation Easements
  • Protecting Your Land with a Conservation Easement
  • Recent Conservation Easement Donations Protect 50 Acres of Little Compton Open Space
  • SPA Sponsors GIS Public Information Meeting
  • SPA Takes Steps to Maintain Ponderosa for Skating
  • A Fragment of the Wild on West Main Road
  • Volunteer Honored for Stewardship Work:  Fred Bridge

SUMMER 2001 Click here to download pdf

  • What is the Relationship Between Land Conservation and Property Taxes?
  • New Land Conservation Donations Total 24 Acres
  • SPA Board Adopts Land Preservation Policies, Procedures, and Criteria
  • East & West Islands:  A Brief History
  • Author Brian Donahue Speaks About Community Farms & Forests

FALL 2001 Click here to download pdf

  • SPA Opens Office at Commons
  • SPA Board Holds Workshop on Conservation Easements
  • New Officers and Directors Elected at Annual Meeting
  • Little Compton Growth Projections and Trends:  What will the Future Bring?
  • Building a Healthy Relationship with our Everyday Landscape
  • Jewell’s Woods
  • Kids for Conservation
  • Little Compton Residents Value Rural Character
  • SPA Launches Annual Giving Campaign

SPRING 2000 Click here to download pdf

  • Meeting the Challenge of Land Conservation in Little Compton
  • Land Conservation is a Cooperative Effort
  • Dr. Peter to Speak April 27th on Identifying Critical Conservation Lands
  • Conservation Tax Savings
  • Susan Burchard Shethar Whitin:  1903-1998
  • The Land Ethic and The Land Aesthetic

FALL 2000 Click here to download pdf

  • Little Compton’s Landscape Can’t Be Taken For Granted
  • We Met our Fundraising Goal!  Thank You!
  • Little Compton Voters Support Open Space Bond
  • Conservation Booklets Available
  • One Acre
  • Our Role in Woodcock Conservation
  • SPA Adopts Two-Year Action Plan




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