Memorial and honor gifts are a wonderful way to pay tribute to a friend or family member. You may wish to consider a gift in memory of someone who cherished the peace and solitude of Little Compton during their lifetime, or in honor of someone who is a loyal member or supporter, perhaps to mark a birthday, anniversary, or other special occasion.
When you make your gift, we will inform the person being honored or the family of the person you are remembering of your thoughtfulness. Memorial and honor gifts are also specially acknowledged annually in our newsletters.
You may use the PayPal option on our donate page, which will allow you to note the honoree(s) before completing payment. You may also click to print out the Donation Form and note the honored individual or family on the form and send it to:
Sakonnet Preservation Association
PO Box 945
Little Compton, RI 02837
Contact us by email or phone: spa@sakonnetpreservation.org | 401.635-8800