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Scenic Wetlands Wildlife Habitat Woodlands

The Burroughs Property is located immediately south of the intersection of East Main Road and Snell Road in Little Compton (Figure 4). The property is bisected by Sisson Brook. Emergent marsh and shrub swamp line the stream corridor, which is surrounded by forested wetland. Drier conditions exist in the southeast portion of the property and along property edges. The property is both bound and bisected by a number of historic stone walls.

Based on the examination of historic aerial photography, it appears that the southeast portion of the property was released from agricultural use sometime prior to 1939. Much of the property was likely too wet for farming, though it may have been used for pasture.

This property was donated by Marian Luce Burroughs on August 2, 1974.

Total Acreage:

Restriction Type:
Fee Simple

Date Completed:
July 31, 1974

Conservation Values:
wildlife habitat, emergent marsh, shrub swamp, forested wetland

Property Type:
Private Property

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