This property preserves the open and scenic character of the town, including a cobble beach, open field habitat and freshwater wetland system on the Sakonnet River. Conservation Easement given by Adelaide Vander Salm on December 18, 2005.
This property preserves the open and scenic character of the town, including a cobble beach, open field habitat and freshwater wetland system on the Sakonnet River. Conservation Easement given by Adelaide Vander Salm on December 18, 2005.
This property consists of wetlands and open lands that provide natural habitat for wildlife and plant species, has close proximity to other natural, scenic, and agricultural properties, and is within the watershed of the Watson Reservoir, which supplies drinking water…
Given this property’s location and hydrologic condition, its current primary function is as wetland wildlife habitat and protected open space. Currently the property exhibits high-integrity wetland habitats that are typical of the region (cattail marsh, swamp rose dominated shrub wetland, red…
The Premises is located in Little Compton, Rhode Island. The Premises is surrounded by agricultural land to the north and south, low density residential housing to the west, and medium density residential housing to the east. An intermittent stream and…
The Premises are located in Little Compton, Rhode Island, outside the village of Adamsville. The Premises are forested and lie within a complex of deciduous forest that continues south, west, and east. Forested wetlands lie southwest of the Premises. Low…
The Premises are located in Little Compton, Rhode Island, near of Simmons Corner. The majority of the Premises are forested, with the exception of a cleared area of approximately 27,000 sq. ft. nearest the southeast corner. The Premises are immediately…
The Premises are located in Little Compton, Rhode Island, in Adamsville. Approximately half the Premises are wooded, with the remainder maintained as hay field habitat. To the north, northwest, southwest, and southeast, the Premises abut medium density residential development. To…
The Premises are located in Little Compton, Rhode Island on West Main Road. The Premises contain mainly deciduous scrub-shrub swamp and wet meadow habitat, with some forested, marsh, and open water areas and several small upland patches. The Premises are…
Forested parts of the properties lie within a complex of deciduous forest that extends generally north, south and west. Surrounding the properties to the north and south are also pockets of low and medium density residential housing. The center of…
The property is a mix of open field, dense shrub, and wooded habitats and contains both freshwater wetland and upland. A perennial stream cuts through the northwestern portion of the property, and a second drainage runs along the southern boundary. …