Tuesday, July 23, 2024 – 6 to 8 PM
On Tuesday evening, July 23, 2024, Sakonnet Preservation held its Annual Meeting at the Little Compton Community Center. (To watch the event, please click the picture below)
The featured talk ‘Let the Magic Happen’ was presented by three speakers who have been intimately involved with the Meehan Triangle—Stewardship Director, Adam Yorks; artist, Josie Richmond; and gardener, Jeremy Allen. Accompanied by images of the property’s various habitats and seasonal changes, the mapping created by Josie, and Jeremy’s use of Sakonnet Preservation’s unique mowing equipment on residential properties, we were thrilled to share how this project is evolving as a model for habitat protection transferable to private landowners.
Additionally, Sidney Tynan has generously donated copies of her latest book, Even More Country Letters, which is available in the Sakonnet Preservation office.
If you would like to view the talk, please click the picture above to watch the event.
PAST: July 19, 2023
Attracting Bees and Beneficial Insects with Native Plants
Guest Speaker: Heather Holm
Our Annual Meeting was held on Wednesday, July 19th, 2023. A welcoming reception with light refreshments was followed by a short business meeting. Next, we welcomed pollinator conservationist Heather Holm, who presented a fascinating talk: Attracting Bees and Beneficial Insects with Native Plants. She is active on Facebook and Twitter, and her website has a wealth of information.
To learn more about Heather click here.

2021 Annual Meeting (Virtual)
Rescuing the Planet: Protecting Half the Land to Protect the Earth
Guest Speaker: Tony Hiss
Beginning in the vast North American Boreal Forest that stretches through Canada, and roving across the continent, from the Northern Sierra to Alabama’s Paint Rock Forest, from the Appalachian Trail to a ranch in Mexico, Tony Hiss sets out on a journey to take stock of the “superorganism” that is the earth: its land, its elements, its plants and animals, its greatest threats–and what we can do to keep it, and ourselves, alive, with examples of some of the great conservation work being done connecting landscapes. If you were unable to attend, you can watch his presentation below.
Tony Hiss is the author of fifteen books, including the award-winning ‘The Experience of Place. He was a staff writer at The New Yorker for more than thirty years, was a visiting scholar at New York University for twenty-five years and has lectured around the world.
2020 Annual Meeting (Virtual)
The impact of climate change on our local weather
Guest Speaker: David Vallee
David Vallee, Hydrologist-in-Charge of the National Weather Service’s Northeast River Forecast Center, gave us a great deal to think about concerning the impact of climate change on our local weather. He is a gifted and knowledgeable presenter so if you were unable to attend, you can watch his presentation below.
2019 Annual Meeting
Place, Heritage, and Caretaking in Native and Colonial New England: Memoryscapes of King Philip’s War
Guest Speaker: Christine DeLucia
“Place” has carried many meanings for peoples of the Northeast who have developed intense connections with and memories about particular locations. Sakonnet Preservation Association’s Annual Meeting speaker Christine DeLucia’s presentation revisited the pivotal Native American resistance movement and colonial conflict known as King Philip’s War. This particular conflict retains its historic significance palpably in our southeastern corner of New England and this community of Little Compton in particular. The names Sakonnet, Awashonks and Benjamin Church are familiar to us. Christine DeLucia described the confluence of longstanding Native places with colonial ones and its influence on shaping how we remember and honor it, inviting us into a better/greater understanding and acknowledgment of its complex and challenging history.
2018 Annual Meeting
Examining New England’s Most Imperiled Wildlife
Guest Speaker: Todd McLeish
On July 10th, Todd McLeish provided Sakonnet Preservation Members & guests with a wonderful, educational, and humorous presentation. Todd McLeish, a wildlife and environmental journalist, has been writing about wildlife and environmental issues for more than 25 years. In more than 200 magazines and newspaper articles, he has highlighted numerous threatened species, profiled biologists and wildlife artists, and described encounters with a wide variety of backyard creatures. While earning degrees in communications at Ithaca College and Emerson College, he developed a passion for wildlife, natural history and environmental protection. Todd is an expert birder, a frequent leader of natural history walks, a popular public speaker, and a former world joggling champion (juggling while joggings).
A Legacy of Leadership and Land Preservation – Members bid fond farewell as Heather Steers retires from Sakonnet Preservation Board (Sakonnet Times 7/19/2018).
On July 10th, Heather Steers retired from the board…she shaped for 27 years…At its annual meeting this year, more than 130 attendees laughed and applauded as Ms. Brooks led a group honoring Heather’s accomplishments. Heather’s gift to both the conservation community and her home town is a legacy of land protection and stewardship practice of the highest quality.

2017 Annual Meeting
Turning Blue: My Path on the Appalachian Trail and Beyond
Guest Speaker: Don McNaughton
In April of 2016, Don set off from Georgia to spend six months hiking the 2,189-mile Appalachian Trail on his own. Three pairs of hiking shoes later, he finished in October with his family there to greet him. It was wonderful to hear what he learned about the trail and himself, and how his experiences have led him to redouble his efforts to help conserve land in Little Compton. Click here for Don’s Trail Journal.
Sakonnet Preservation’s 2016 Annual Report.
2016 Annual Meeting
Restoration of Osprey in Southern New England & Elsewhere
Guest Speaker: Alan Poole
On a perfect July evening SPA’s 2016 Annual Meeting, featuring ornithologist Alan Poole, author of Ospreys: A Natural & Un-Natural History, brought an enthusiastic crowd of members and supporters. Poole’s worldwide experience protecting osprey, focused primarily on Scotland and New England populations, held fascinating tales of near complete destruction and then recovery of the species following the ban of DDT. His wonderful photos and the wide scope of his knowledge led to an extensive and thoughtful question and answer session following his presentation, and made for a lively and informative evening celebrating conservation. Click here for more information.
Sakonnet Preservation’s 2015 Annual Report.
2015 Annual Meeting
Guest Speaker: Chris Miller
Chris Miller is the Executive Director of Piedmont Environmental Council in Virginia. Click here for more information on Mr. Miller.
2014 Annual Meeting
Guest Speaker: John Gwynne
Thank you to all who attended this wonderful evening listening to John Gwynne a local resident, gardener and internationally active conservation landscape architect. Click here for more information.
2013 Annual Meeting
Speaker: Jon Boothroyd
Thank you to all that attended the SPA Annual Meeting on July 9th at the Sakonnet Golf Club. It was an enjoyable & educational evening listening to RI State Geologist Jon Boothroyd speak about Sea Level Rise Impacts on Coastal Rhode Island. Click here to view his presentation.