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Scenic Wetlands Wildlife Habitat Woodlands

The Premises are located in Little Compton, Rhode Island on West Main Road.  The Premises contain mainly deciduous scrub-shrub swamp and wet meadow habitat, with some forested, marsh, and open water areas and several small upland patches.   The Premises are surrounded by wetland to the north and west.  To the southwest are wetland, pastureland, and medium-density residential housing.  To the south, east, and northeast are additional medium-density residential housing and agricultural land.

Based on the examination of historic aerial photography, it appears that the majority of the Premises were used for agricultural purposes until sometime after 1939.  In 1939 aerial photos, the earliest for the State, most of the Premises are cleared for agriculture with only the westernmost portion in shrub habitat.  Aerial photographs from 1962 show almost the entire Premises to be vegetated.  The Premises appear to have been maintained in a condition similar to today since the 1970s.

Conservation Easement given by Christopher T. Born & Wendy S. Born on December 26, 2007.

Total Acreage:

Restriction Type:
Conservation Easement

Date Completed:
December 26, 2007

Conservation Values:
wetlands, wildlife habitat, woodlands, open space

Property Type:
Private Property

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