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Scenic Wildlife Habitat

The property is a mix of open field, dense shrub, and wooded habitats and contains both freshwater wetland and upland.  A perennial stream cuts through the northwestern portion of the property, and a second drainage runs along the southern boundary.  The northern, western, and eastern boundaries of the property are marked by historic stone walls.   The northern and western portions of the property contain nearly impenetrable shrubland thicket composed of predominantly invasive species and heavy grapevine. Forest wetland abuts the property to the north and northeast, while drier forest is located to the northwest.  

Based on the examination of historic aerial photography, it appears that the property was entirely cleared and used for agricultural purposes in 1939. 

This property was donated by Janet Taylor Lisle, Robert Kelso Taylor, Geoffrey Alden Taylor, Crane Mygatt Taylor, and Hugh MacColl Taylor on December 31, 2008.

Total Acreage:

Restriction Type:

Date Completed:
December 31, 2008

Conservation Values:
wetlands, wildlife habitat, woodlands, meadows

Property Type:
Private Property

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