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Scenic Wildlife Habitat

The P. T. Marvell Preserve is part of a shoreline complex which includes conservation lands and open space at South Shore and Goosewing Beaches and protected properties at Tuniper’s and Quicksand Ponds to a total of at least 130 acres.  This shoreline complex has been called one of the most scenic and undisturbed coastal areas in Rhode Island, and it provides significant refuge for migratory shorebirds, waterfowl and songbirds, and for shellfish and finfish.  The property includes important maritime woodland, coastal thicket and coastal salt pond, and upland meadow.

Conservation Easement given by The Nature Conservancy August 11, 2005.

Total Acreage:

Restriction Type:

Date Completed:
August 17, 2005

Conservation Values:
public access, wildlife habitat, meadow, open space

Property Type:

Public Property
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